New Campaign Option called “local search ads experiment campaign”
A limited number of brick-and-mortar stores which are known as street side stores that deals with their customers face to face. Advertisers this year in February found a new campaign option which is called “local search ads experiment campaign”. Google have confirmed that the campaigns are running for only selected advertisers to use and promote verified business locations in the local search results. This is on both Google search and maps but this is without adding any keywords.
Instead of applying keywords to trigger the ads Google have decided to use Google My Business information which pulls the location address and location category to trigger all relevant searches.
At the moment the street side stores have limited features available to control the ads when they show up on Google Maps searches or in local display ads.
There is another ads experiment being trialled at the moment but is only available in limited areas in the United States. With this new ad feature you are able to advertise your local business on Google and receive leads directly from your potential customers. “These leads come in as phone calls and messages sent through your local services ad. You can reply to messages, track bookings, and manage all your leads anytime online and through the app (Android, IOS)”
Location extensions have been around for many years and are one of the most popular site extensions for company’s who want to show their business location. Google added this feature to give searchers more valuable information on store locations and hours.
New changes to Google My Business
Within the last couple of months following up from the release of the experiment campaigns. Google have made two new changes to Google My Business. The first update they have released to the public is a new extended character limit allowing 750 characters. This is so businesses can explain all of their services and products before clicking on the site. In the description you are not able to include promotions, URLs or HTML code.
Another new feature that has been added to Google My Business is a new section, which states any services the business provides, also a combination of the service or product name and also can include the product price and the description of the product.
With these two changes this could potentially change Google My Business and could create a whole new advertising service this is by taking all of the information entered into GTM, this could potentially change Google.